Monday, February 24, 2020

Internet Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Internet Marketing - Assignment Example 135-152). It emphasis on the use of ICT to facilitate faster transactions that help companies manage the complications of global business environments. It involves improvements in extranets and intranets. Internet marketing, (online marketing) refers to marketing and advertising techniques using the email and web to drive continuous sales through electronic commerce. It includes social media marketing, web marketing and email marketing (CHAFFEY, 2008 pp. 97-121). In addition, Internet marketing (online advertising) becomes effective when combined with other types of advertising like newspapers, television, radio, and magazine. Digital marketing is marketing that uses digital electronic gadgets such as tablets, cell phones, personal computers and smartphones to promote or market goods and services for smooth engagement with shareholders (SIEGEL, 2004 pp. 173-194). Platforms such as e-mail, websites and, and social networks are of importance to digital marketing. E- Commerce only involves the buying and selling of goods using electronic means. It also defines the exchange of properties and amenities or relocation of belongings or information, completed by electrical system, principally the Internet. It fascinates knowledge resembling to automated data interchange, internet promotion, program information assortment systems, catalog administration arrangements and stock series (SIEGEL, 2004 pp. 173-194). E-business involves selling products online while handling other company’s operations offline.It entails the use of informatics and statement mechanisms in the management of trade accomplishments. It prominence on the habit of ICT to enable quicker businesses that assistance companies handle the impediments of international business situations. It encompasses improvements in extranets and intranets. Internet marketing combines the technical and innovative feature of internet plus web-designing,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Maximlianus as conscientious objector Assignment

Maximlianus as conscientious objector - Assignment Example The main change that came in society owing to the torture and killings that ensued after these protests brought in a major change in the society where people became aware of the injustice and wrong being done to others whom they ignored till then. The result was a massive awareness and movement to eradicate mention of violence in Christianity. As it is, it was pretty disgraceful to have violence become a part of Christianity even though it had to be through the conscientious efforts of Maximlianus. Therefore, we credit a major chunk of the educated and elite class shunning elements of torture and oppression to avoid recurrence of such violence in the history of Christianity to the efforts of Maximlianus.Islam and Christianity have both violent histories. What stories from Kurlansky can we find hope for a non-violent Christianity and Islam? (2 pages)Kurlansky runs a complete thesis in the context of trying to understand why and where non-violence went amiss in the glorious pasts of le ading religions of the world. Everybody understands that Christianity and Islam have had violence in their histories. But when we study the thesis brought forward by Kurlansky, we see that he has found the precise literary and scholarly articles to show why the religions could not enjoy peaceful histories. Let us begin by Buddha’s teachings of non-violence (BPF, 13). Buddhism has a non-violent history owing to the dictates of patience, love and perseverance. Kurlansky, instead of lifting ideals from the peaceful religions.